Beware of Chinese domain name scam emails

The reason that you have landed here is likely due to an email in your inbox from an Asian named domain name registrar such as China Domain Name Registration Center Asian Domain Registration Service In China The Department Of Registration Service In China. The subject line is usually something like: “urgent brand registration confirmation” “Domain […]
August 6, 2014

The reason that you have landed here is likely due to an email in your inbox from an Asian named domain name registrar such as

  • China Domain Name Registration Center
  • Asian Domain Registration Service In China
  • The Department Of Registration Service In China.

The subject line is usually something like:

  • “urgent brand registration confirmation”
  • “Domain dispute and protection”
  • “Asia, Cn, Hk domain name and Internet Keyword”
  • Notice of Brand name registration”.
  • RE: About “”- Domains Registration Notification With You

For several years, Asian companies have been pressuring firms to register identical domain names in Asian Top-Level-Domains (TLDs). It is a kind of scam called “Slamming”, and is an illegal practice to mislead firms in order to sell them unsolicited services.

The slamming scam always begins with an email, written in English and addressed to the CEO of the targeted company. The hustler tries to contact the manager who is often ignorant of the rules related to domain names.

They present themselves as accredited Asian registrars, mainly in China. This unknown third party notifies the firm that one of their clients wants to register domain names containing the trademark of the target of the scam.

What should you do when you receive an email from China Domain Name Registration Center or other similar named registrar?

As confirmed above your domain names will not be registered by another company if you decide to ignore the “offer”. However, I would still recommend you take a couple of actions. First and foremost, there are companies out there regularly taking the bait. Over the next two years hundreds of new gTLDs will be launched, so there will be even more confusion. Contact us if you are unsure of anything!

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