SHOP Customer/order data exporter



Easily export information from your Shop about customers and their orders.

The User identity export will extract the following:

  • user_registered, user_login, user_email

The Billing information export will extract the following fields :

  • billing_first_name, billing_last_name, billing_company, billing_address_1, billing_address_2, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_country, billing_state, billing_email, billing_phone

The Shipping information export will extract the following fields :

  • shipping_first_name, shipping_last_name, shipping_company, shipping_address_1, shipping_address_2, shipping_city, shipping_postcode, shipping_country, shipping_state

The Sales statistics export will compute and add to your csv file the following columns :

  • nb_order, amount_total

Exporting Oder data

Almost every fields from each order will be available in the CSV files :

  • ‘id’, ‘status’, ‘order_date’, ‘billing_first_name’, ‘billing_last_name’, ‘billing_company’, ‘billing_address_1’, ‘billing_address_2’,’billing_city’, ‘billing_postcode’, ‘billing_country’, ‘billing_state’, ‘billing_email’, ‘billing_phone’, ‘shipping_first_name’, ‘shipping_last_name’, ‘shipping_company’, ‘shipping_address_1’, ‘shipping_address_2’, ‘shipping_city’, ‘shipping_postcode’, ‘shipping_state’, ‘shipping_country’, ‘customer_note’, ‘shipping_method_title’, ‘payment_method_title’, ‘order_discount’, ‘cart_discount’, ‘order_tax’, ‘order_shipping’, ‘order_shipping_tax’, ‘order_total’, ‘order_tax_detail’, ‘completed_date’

If you want to export customers data only for a specific period of time, you can specify start and end date using the two dedicated field. To select the desired date just click on the field to popup the calendar and select one day. You can’t select a day in the future. You don’t have to specify two dates.